Creating elements

Creating a new HTML element is easy with Bosonic. Here is a boilerplate of a basic element (let's assume for now that you'll save this as lib/hello-world.html):

<element name="hello-world">
        <span>I'm Shadow DOM</span>
            sayHello: function() {
                var span = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('span');
                span.textContent = 'Hello, world!';

As you can see, the <element> tag that encapsulates our element's definition has a name attribute: it is of course mandatory, as it specifies the name of the HTML tag you’ll instantiate in the markup. As per spec, it must contain a "-".

In the <script> element, we call Bosonic.register to register the API of our new element: all methods & properties defined here will become API methods & props of each attached element in a web page.

One of the Bosonic's features is the automatic rendering of the <template> tag content: this markup will become our elements' Shadow DOM. The shadowRoot property allows you to query and manipulate this Shadow DOM, as shown in the sayHello method.

Using our new element in a web page is easy too:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Application</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- Load the polyfills & runtime -->
    <script src="lib/webcomponents.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/bosonic-runtime.js"></script>
    <!-- Import the element -->
    <link rel="import" href="lib/hello-world.html">
    <!-- Declare the element -->

If all goes well, you should see 'I'm Shadow DOM' in your browser. But remember our elements are just DOM elements ;) Open the web console of your browser and type the following:

var hello = document.querySelector('hello-world');

You should now see 'Hello, world!' on screen. We've successfully used our element's API!